Neuro-Injuries are a serious health hazard that affects many individuals around the world. Neuro-Injuries are mainly caused by brain trauma or by an interruption of traf?c between the brain, spine, and peripheral nervous system due to physical or chemical damage. Due to the complexity of the nervous system, the diagnosis and treatment of these types of injuries can be very di?cult and specialized neurological approaches are often required for speedy interventions and accurate treatment. Neuro-Injuries can manifest in many di?erent forms and can include physical and mental damage. The most common physical damage caused by neuro-Injuries is the loss of motor control or paralysis. Additionally, some individuals may have reduced cognitive functions, diffuse hearing loss, and vision impairments. The diagnosis of Neuro-Injuries is often di?cult because of the complexity of the nervous system. MRI and CT scans can be performed to look for physical damage to the tissues. Additionally, specialized tests may be conducted to assess the level and extent of neuro-Injuries. Neuropsychological tests are commonly used to assess cognitive functions, psychological tests are used to evaluate personality, and electro-encephalographs are used to monitor electrical activity in the brain. Treatment of Neuro-Injuries must be tailored to the individual’s particular restrictions and disabilities. In some cases, physical therapy can be provided to strengthen motor functions and may even be able to reverse some of the e?ects of the injury. Additionally, medication can be used to control symptoms such as seizures and chronic pain. In extreme cases, a cranioplasty or a spinal cord implant may be necessary to repair or reconstruct physical damage. Neuro-Injuries can have a major impact on quality of life and require long-term treatment and care. It’s important to be aware of the risks associated with Neuro-Injuries and take the necessary precautions to prevent and treat them if they do occur.
Title : Perception and individuality
Ken Ware, NeuroPhysics Therapy Institute, Australia
Title : Futurey on neurology
Luiz Moutinho, University of Suffolk, United Kingdom
Title : Essential roles, mechanisms and consequences of vascular dementia
Yong Xiao Wang, Albany Medical College, United States
Title : Narrative medicine: A communication therapy for the communication disorder of Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES) also known as Functional Seizures (FS)
Robert B Slocum, University of Kentucky HealthCare, United States
Title : The vision neurology as bio-recursion and brain-blockchain
Dobilas Kirvelis, Lithuanian Scientific Society, Lithuania
Title : Who cares …… for the carers
Jaqueline Tuppen, COGS Club, United Kingdom