Title: The neuroscience of mental disorders and the nature of consciousness
Title: Addiction: A problem of motivation, free will, or self-destructive behavior?
Title: Arteriovenous malformations: An update on models and therapeutic targets
Title: The role of newborn screening in the era of gene therapy for neuromuscular disorders
Title: Transcranial laser photobiomodulation on posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
Title: Treating chronic-stage stroke with hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Title: Mindfulness-Based Protocol for Recovery from Stroke (MBRfS): A pilot study
Title: rhFGF18 and rhGDF11 for the treatment of ischemic stroke
Title: Predicting noncoding disease causal mutations in central nervous system through deep learning
Title: Impact of exercise intensity on cerebral BDNF levels: Role of FNDC5/Irisin
Title: Looking for new antidepressants - interactions between COX-2 and glutamatergic receptors
Title: Manual therapy and segmental stabilization in the treatment of chronic pain
Title: Identified new regulation of vesicular neurotransmitter transporters
Title: Brain-Machine teaming: Recent advances for neural language decoding from EEG Signals
Title: The application of brain-machine interface for prosthetic limb development
Title: Neural stem cell-derived exosomal mir-9a-5p overexpression improving neurogenesis in ischemic stroke
Title: Sleep medicine: Modern medical research and acupuncture therapy
Title: C-terminal domains of GluA2 regulate amyloid-beta induced synaptic and cognitive impairments
Title: The mechanism of NLG1 regulating ASD-like (restricted and repetitive) behaviors
Title: Long-term memory acquisition and loss are dependent on PARP1- Erk2 synergism
Title: Brain-Machine teaming: Recent advances for neural language decoding from EEG Signals