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11th Edition of International Conference on

Neurology and Neurological Disorders

June 05-07, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Neurology 2025

The vision neurology as bio-recursion and brain-blockchain

Speaker at Neurology and Neurological Disorders 2025 - Dobilas Kirvelis
Lithuanian Scientific Society, Lithuania
Title : The vision neurology as bio-recursion and brain-blockchain


In the last decade, a radically different scientific concept of developing Life on Earth - as BioRECURSION, or NeuroBLACKCHAIN - has emerged. From the point of view Life is Evolutional formation of Closed-Loop Coding-Decoding (CL-CD) chem-matter biochem procedure that appeared ~8.3 billion years ago. The theory emerged after the discovery and installation of Recursive Informatics technologies, Recursive mathematics, that was understood and formed only ~90 years ago, which in 1950-60 initiated modern computers and computing (A. Church, A. Turing, 1936). This shows that the essence of life is Bio-Informational DNA-Comp and Neuro-Comp Recursion Soft technologies while Biochem‘s only as Hard. This presentation is the theoretical interpretation of the results of the psychophysiological experimental research on the identification of images of the vision analyser, (in 1980-2013), from the point of view functional organization and activity analysis of the Neuro-Recursive computer positions. The visual dreams, visual mental thinking and hallucinations are seen as recursive phenomena of the manifestation of informational neurorecursive events. A duration of 8-10 msec. for one hypothesis is considered to be the duration of the one iteration, and the latent period of 16 msec. is the time required to test the primary recurencial hypothesis. The Bio-Information (Organic - Organizing forces) as the essence of Life was already seen 220 years ago (1804) at Vilnius University by Jędrzej Śniadecki, (Teoria jestestw organicznych, t.1, 1804). To understand the theoretical basis of the nervous subsystem of the entire multicellular organism integrated brain activity (Neurology) from the point of view of info-technology Soft, one must pay attention to the emerging original Bitcoin BLOCKCHAIN technology. The BLOCKCHAIN is recognized as an innovative breakthrough and effective solutions to many complex systems problems. It is expected that the neuroscience (NEUROLOGY) will be based on the principles of this technology. I.e., the interpretation of the functional organization of the brain as an information Soft, molecular DNAcomp-RECURSION or Neuro- a special Brain-BLOCKCHAIN, where individual algorithms, programs implemented as molecular, or neural networks Hard.


HP Dr., Prof. Dobilas Kirvelis (1970-2014) professor at the Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics of Vilnius University and scientific director of the Biophysics-Neurocybernetics research lab. Graduated from the Kaunas Polytechnic Institute, Electrical Engineering, in Computers. He prepared and taught Biophysics (as the Theory of Living Organized Systems, Textbook Biophysics, VUL 2007), and Neuro-Informatics (CD, 2008). Doctoral studies Bionics at the Moscow Institute of Control Problems. In 1989 – 1994 the Dean of the Faculty Natural Sciences of Vilnius University. In the period 1998-2011 principated annually at the World Scientific CASYS (Computing Anticipatory Systems) Conference University of Liege (Belgium), a member of the International CASYS Program Committee. The most important publications have been published in AIP (American Institute of Physics), "Hayka" Moscow, Springer.
