HP Dr., Prof. Dobilas Kirvelis (1970-2014) professor at the Dept. of Biochemistry and Biophysics of Vilnius University and scientific director of the Biophysics-Neurocybernetics research lab. Graduated from the Kaunas Polytechnic Institute, Electrical Engineering, in Computers. He prepared and taught Biophysics (as the Theory of Living Organized Systems, Textbook Biophysics, VUL 2007), and Neuro-Informatics (CD, 2008). Doctoral studies Bionics at the Moscow Institute of Control Problems. In 1989 – 1994 the Dean of the Faculty Natural Sciences of Vilnius University. In the period 1998-2011 principated annually at the World Scientific CASYS (Computing Anticipatory Systems) Conference University of Liege (Belgium), a member of the International CASYS Program Committee. The most important publications have been published in AIP (American Institute of Physics), "Hayka" Moscow, Springer.
Title : The vision neurology as bio-recursion and brain-blockchain