HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Paris, France or Virtually from your home or work.

9th Edition of International Conference on

Neurology and Neurological Disorders

June 20-22, 2024 | Paris, France

Neurology 2024

Ramuel Spirituel Mattathiah A San Juan

Speaker at Neurology and Neurological Disorders 2024 - Ramuel Spirituel Mattathiah A San Juan
Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center, Philippines
Title : Upside down words as initial clinical presentation of an underlying acute ischemic stroke


Background: Reversal of vision metamorphopsia is a transient form of metamorphopsia described as an upside-down alteration of the visual field in the coronal plane. Patients would describe objects, such as cups, upside down but the tea would not spill; and people would walk on their heads. It is extremely rare as a stable finding, lasting days or weeks. We report a case wherein this type of metamorphopsia occurred only in written words and lasting for six months.
Objective: To the best of our knowledge, we report the first rare occurrence reversal of vision metamorphopsia described as inverted words as the sole initial presentation of an underlying stroke.
Case Presentation: We report a 59-year-old male with poorly controlled hypertension and diabetes mellitus who presented with a 3-day history of difficulty of reading, described as the words were turned upside down, as if the words were inverted horizontally then with progression of deficits such as right homonymous hemianopia and achromatopsia, prosopagnosia. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed an acute infarct on the left posterior cerebral artery territory. Follow up after 6 months revealed improvement of the visual field cut but with persistence of the higher cortical function deficits.
Conclusion: We report the first rare occurrence metamorphopsia described as purely inverted words as the sole initial presentation of an underlying stroke. Stroke in the occipitotemporal areas should be included in the differential diagnoses of a patient presenting with text reversal metamorphopsia. It further expands the landscape of metamorphopsias due to its exclusivity to written words and prolonged duration. Knowing these clinical features will help in identifying the lesion locus and may improve subsequent stroke care, especially in time-bound management like intravenous thrombolysis.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • We report the first rare occurrence metamorphopsia described as purely inverted words as the sole initial presentation of an underlying stroke
  • Stroke in the occipitotemporal areas should be included in the differential diagnoses of a patient presenting with text reversal metamorphopsia
  • Knowing these clinical features will help in identifying the lesion locus and may improve subsequent stroke care, especially in time-bound management like intravenous thrombolysis


Ramuel Spirituel Mattathiah A. San Juan is a talented and passionate young neurologist-in-training. He excelled academically throughout medical school, graduating in the top 10 of his class. His dedication to learning and patient care earned him consistent recognition, including Dean's List honors each year. With unwavering commitment, Ramuel aims to contribute significantly to neurology, impacting patients' lives and advancing the understanding and treatment of neurological disorders. He is an accomplished academic, an active stroke researcher, and an advocate for advancing medical knowledge and patient care.
