Title : Perception and individuality
The way we perceive our world directly influences our responses to it. There is significant variability in how individuals perceive and subjectively evaluate their environment, even among people experiencing the same conditions. In a healthy human system, perception and response to the environment are generally accurate. However, when subjective sensory perception errors occur, they can lead to motor response errors. The accumulation of these sensory perception errors can manifest in a variety of psychophysical diseases and disorders.
It is crucial to have reliable methods for measuring the acuity of a patient’s environmental perception, particularly within stable environments where moment-to-moment measurements can be taken against a consistent and reliable backdrop. The detection of sensory perception errors under controlled conditions is interconnected with the psychophysical conditions of the individual across all scales. Assisting patients in correcting these errors can lead to the emergence of enhanced functional behaviours across various domains.
NeuroPhysics Therapy has proven highly effective in helping patients with complex neurological diseases and disorders. This approach facilitates the elimination of rogue patterns in sensory-motor communication, promoting the neurological network operations necessary for normal functioning within the dynamic landscape of the real world.
Keywords: NeuroPhysics Therapy, Perception, Sensory Perception Errors, Neurological Diseases and Disorders, Psychophysical