HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Itlay or Virtually from your home or work.

11th Edition of International Conference on

Neurology and Neurological Disorders

June 05-07, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Neurology 2024

Turning research into action - Cogs Club

Speaker at Neurology 2024 2024 - Jaqueline Tuppen
COGS Club, United Kingdom
Title : Turning research into action - Cogs Club


The NICE guidelines in November 2006 stated: "People with mild / moderate dementia of all types should be given the opportunity to participate in a structured group cognitive stimulation programme. This should be commissioned and provided by a range of health and social care workers with training and supervision. This should be delivered irrespective of any anti-dementia drug received by the person with dementia".

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) is such an evidence based group programme. It’s basis is activity and stimulation grounded in person centred care which is normally run as a two hour session, twice a week, over seven weeks.Cogs Clubs are based on and run in the same structured way as a Cognitive Stimulation Therapy session, but instead of two hours a COGS Club offers a day of activity, stimulation, music and fun for a person with mild dementia. Importantly, the Clubs provide the family/carer/significant other with a day’s respite. COGS Clubs use a variety of approaches and is consistent with  Everybody’s Business  (2005)  which is committed to improving people’s quality of life, meeting complex needs in a co-ordinated way,  providing a person-centred approach and promoting age equality. The coordinated approach is due to the structured activities, the person centred approach is about the person’s needs and abilities not their age or the type of dementia they may have. There are always going to be people that we can not help but there are some that others turn down, who can be supported if only people can remember that one person with dementia is not the same as they next person with dementia. Stigma still exists around ageism and also the word dementia.The presentation will include case studies from members who were perceived as inappropriate for Day Centers or other clubs due to their “complex needs”. They tell how the Clubs have changed their lives and the lives of their significant other.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • Attendees would have a greater understanding of the value and clinical worth of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
  • Attendees of the conference would gain awareness of the COGS Club initiative
  • To raise awareness that there is still stigma attached to the word Dementia and Ageism
  • Attendees  would gain greater appreciation of the clinical worth of a variety of interventions for  people with mild to moderate dementia


Mrs Jaqueline Tuppen, graduated in 1997 with a BSc Hons and Specialist Practitioner from the Universtiy of Greenwich, London. She worked with the local Community Mental Health team, ending as their Acting Community Services Manager. She became an Admiral Nurse in 2008, and retired from the NHS in 2011 when as an independent specialist nurse practitioner she started - COGS Club for people in the early stages of Dementia. She continues to work for Dementia UK as a sessional Admiral Nurse on their Dementia Helpline. She has published articles, and presented at a variety of events in the UK , Eire and Italy
