HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Itlay or Virtually from your home or work.

11th Edition of International Conference on

Neurology and Neurological Disorders

June 05-07, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Neurology 2024

Neurophysiological grading tool of ulnar nerve entrapment across wrist and across elbow with case presentation

Speaker at Neurology 2024 2024 - Salim Hirani
Ysbyty Gwynedd Hospital, United Kingdom
Title : Neurophysiological grading tool of ulnar nerve entrapment across wrist and across elbow with case presentation


Ulnar nerve entrapment across the elbow (UNEAE) and across wrist (UNEAW) is the second most common entrapment of the hand after carpal tunnel syndrome. There are few gradings available for UNEAE and lesser in UNEAW. The aim of this research is to create a clinically appropriate ulnar nerve entrapment grading tool to covers both area of entrapment in one research paper. To see the relation of sensory nerve involvement across wrist with the entrapment across elbow and to evaluate its effectiveness in terms of compatibility with previous research, without any invasive tests like needle EMG examination. To identify the lesion below and across wrist in terms of to support the clinical Physiologist (CP) to grade them properly and also help the consultant in deciding to treat with conservative or surgical treatment. To compare the recording from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscles with the abductor digiti minimi (ADM) muscle to see which muscle is more sensitive and shows early changes in ulnar nerve entrapment. The proposed revised grading system is based on more nuanced, descriptive categories, ranging from "normal”, "early”, "mild”, "moderate” and "severe”. To create full grading system of UNEAW and UNEAE some additional category of clinical grading is therefore proposed.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • My presentation is interested for those who are involve in recoding Neurophysiology nerve as well as those surgeon, who are involved in hands surgery.This will give them information to decide a conservative or surgical treatment if they can follow the information.
  • My presentation will help to those who are interested to join the Neurophyiological field or in surgical field in future. My grading will give them precise lesion of entrapment in a simpler way and make their job easy.


Salim Hirani is working in Neurophysiology field for more than 30 years. He did is Neurophysiology course from United Kingdom. He works in different country and can speak 4-5 languages. His three paper was already published i.e. Refine Grading of Carpal Tunnel syndrome in BMC journal in 2019, Neurophysiological Grading tools of ulnar nerve entrapment across elbow in Journal of Neurology, Neurological Science and Disorders in 2023 and third paper of Neurophysiological Study for Ulnar Entrapment at Wrist (meddocsonline.org) in Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences in June 2023
