Title : A study to further develop and refine Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) nerve conduction grading tool
The grading systems proposed by Bland and Padua are the most commonly used are very old and and both have limitations. The aim of this research is to establish, using the best available evidence, a clinically appropriate revision of the current CTS nerve conduction grading tool, and to evaluate its effectiveness (in terms of acceptability and usability as a tool for intervention prediction). The revised scale is designed from a clinical physiologist perspective and based on the numerical values of nerve conduction findings.
Audience Take Away Notes:
- My presentation is interested for those who are involve in recoding Neurophysiology nerve as well as those surgeon, who are involved in hands surgery. This will give them information to decide a conservative or surgical treatment if they can follow the information.
- My presentation will help to those who are interested to join the Neurophyiological field or in surgical field in future.
- My grading will give them precise lesion of entrapment in a simpler way and make their job easy.