Title : Introducing a Mindfulness-Based Protocol for Recovery from Stroke (MBRfS)
Decades of research suggest that Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training supports a greater capacity to live with chronic medical conditions and contributes to lowering stress levels. This paper introduces a model for a Mindfulness-Based Recovery from Stroke (MBRfS) for promoting stroke recovery, informed by the lived experience of the author (a stroke survivor and certified MBSR instructor), the research literature regarding MBSR training, and the specific challenges of stroke recovery.
A literature search was conducted to explore possible research and publications adapting M.B.S.R. to medical populations, including stroke survivors. There is very limited research in this area. A summary will be presented of similar protocols, such as applying M.B.S.R. in programs for cancer survivors and chronic pain patients. An autoethnography was developed as a methodology to support to the model.
A theoretical case is made for the value and need for the development of a mindfulness-based program for those who have experienced and are recovering from a stroke. The proposed mindfulness-based stroke recovery intervention (MBRfS) is outlined in detail, informed by similar evidence-based programs. Case vignettes are offered in the autoethnography that emerged, drawing on the authors experiences as a stroke survivor and MBSR certified teacher. A four-component MBRfS model is offered, which consists of an integration amongst a modified MBSR framework, emergent attitudinal themes, and insights from the autoethnographic vignettes.
The MBRfS model offers a path for providing participants with a supportive experience within stroke recovery. Recommendations and suggestions for future studies are offered to support the development of MBRfS for stroke survivors and their caregivers, as well as contributing to healthcare providers.