Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Psych. Ulrich Sprick studied Medicine and Psychology at the University of Düsseldorf. He is an associated professor at the Medical Faculty of the University of Düsseldorf. Trained as a specialized psychiatrist and an expert psychologist in neuropsychology he actually works as Head of the Center of Neurostimulation and the Department of Research and Development of the Alexius/Josef Clinic in Neuss (Germany). He has been working in brain research for more than 20 years with special interests in brain stimulation, neuoplasticity, trophic factors, endogenous opiates and memory. From the clinical perspective his actual research interests include treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease and depression, nonvisual effects of light and telemedicine.
Title : Effects of neuronavigated TPS: A novel tool of Non Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS)