Carlo Di Brina obtained his MD, Child and Adolescence Neuropsychiatrist Specialization at University of Rome "Sapienza"and PhD at Human Neuroscience Department at the same University. He is actually working in the Policlinico Umberto I° Hospital, Child and Adolescence Unit, sited in Via dei Sabelli, 108, Rome.
His research interests have been primarily dedicated to neuropsychology and kinematical analysis of Movement Disorders such as Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Coordination Disorders. His research is actually dedicated to handwriting analysis, manual dexterity and motor learning. Serving as investigator in multicenter studies with the Teachers Education University of Lucern and Bern, Swizerland. First author and key contributor, he has had numerous publications in highly peer-reviewed journals. He translated, adapted and validated for Italy one of the most popular tool used in the diagnosis of Developmental Dysgraphia: The BHK Scale. He developed an innovative method for the use of Dynamic time warping software based analysis, in the study of letter shape consistency.
Title : The absolute beginner. Right-and lefthand process-based measures in handwriting